Peace to the Black Nation here on planet earth. The short essays presented here were created by brothers and sisters who are fed up with the present state of black America. Its creation was intended to be a wakeup call/defense strategy in the silent war that has been waged against people with melanin in this country/worldwide. Have you ever wondered why racism exists? Have you ever wondered why white people (and often other races) hate/fear us beautiful black people no matter how many strides and contributions to society we have made? Most of us simply wonder why we've been treated so horribly in the past 500 years. Some of us see blatant racism and are in a position to change it, but don't care enough about his/her people to do anything about it. And still, a small percentage of us have a good understanding of what's happening, but for fear of being called "soft" by our peers, and fear of suffering repercussions from "the system", we don't take a stance. We are weeks away from a new Millennium, the end of a 1000 year period in which we black people have been treated like animals or less than animals in some cases. We are at the end of a period where we were perceived as; a cursed seed, three-fifths of a man, beasts of burden, dumb and violent, and at one point they even believed we had tails, YES Tails !! Even with our our numerous intellectuals, entertainers, entrepreneurs, and dope athletes we are still perceived as such. Can we as A PEOPLE that have been through so much pain and suffering, parallel to no other people since the beginning of time, move into the new millennium with grace and unity and stand together to take what's ours? Hell Yea we can, but first we need to address the lies we have been told about our past and understand the nature of our enemy and who that enemy is before we can make a lasting change in our world position. Lets get back to who we once were and get back what is ours people so we can shine like the Suns and Moons we were born to be.
What is Third Eye Vision ?
Many of you have probably heard the term in numerous Hip-Hop arenas. But for those brothers and sisters who have yet to venture into the immaculate realm of Hip-Hop culture, what does the phrase really mean? Well, from a spiritual aspect, the third eye can be described as a switch which activates a higher state of consciousness, thus it's association with the phrase conscious individuals. But in scientific terms, the Third Eye is called the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland, while serving no purpose for Europeans, (and is ironically shaped in the form of a Pyramid), is what produces Melanin in people of color. Melanin is the most primitive and universal color pigment found in living organisms. It is of vital importance to Africans because amongst other things, not only does it make us black, it also keeps us closer to the Creator. Consequently, Africans are more spiritual by nature than other groups of people. Additionally, melanin serves as a rhythm setter or natural rhythm cell. This is why we tend to catch a beat better than Europeans. This is also why we blew up on the hip hop scene and other musical art forms so tremendously. I mean let's face it, when it comes to music, nobody does it better than a natural rhythm setter, know what I'm sayin'? Furthermore, melanin serves as a compass giving us direction and as a natural tranquilizer. This tranquilizing energy can be attributed to the element nitrogen which is one of the components of melanin. Now you know why Africans are so laid back and cool, while in contrast, most Europeans are fidgety and tense. Melanin is also composed of three cleansing elements: Oxygen, Carbon, which simultaneously make melanin black, and Hydrogen. Fortunately for us, Europeans have not yet determined the structures of these elements. They instead supplement their lack of melanin through tanning beds and continuous sun burn, in an effort to become darker. Which leads me to this question: am I really to believe that my skin is a curse ? Please! My Third Eye is open so my mental cannot be subjected to such paralyzing ignorance. Instead, I am forced to wonder how unnatural it must feel to have to reject one of God's first creations. I look at a European and I am reminded of how much the Creator loves me because He made me black. Which is the purpose of what I am writing. I want brothers and sisters to find unquestionable beauty in their skin color and to dispel all of the negative images that are associated with the color black in general, but African people in particular. And to remember that the greatest creations emerge from darkness (the womb) and when we die we return to darkness (the earth). Let's get back to black people. Peace.
Sources: "Melanin on My Mind" By: Sister Maat
"Melanin" By: Mad Writer Productions
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