I am not a slut.
I am not a bitch.
I am not a whore or
a trick.
I am not that chic
Taking dicks in the mouth,or
More pointedly,
setting that mouth out
for 2 carat stones.
I instead prefer to rock my kinky naps.
Elevate my mind,
and spend my time
learning about the women of antiquity.
Re-educating my miseducated soul.
Grasping for wisdom of old.
Anxiously awaiting to hear a story untold.
One of prosperity
And integrity.
One my oppressor wouldnt dare share with me.
For if I learned it I would gain self-identity,
which ironically,
would ruin his agenda.
You see his destiny for me
Is Self annihilation.
Which he is unfortunately accomplishing through
This is why when you look at me you see
a bitch or
a whore or
a trick.
But what I want you to realize is that those words could never
Characterize the woman that I am.
I am your mother.
I am your sister.
I am your lover and wife.
I am your queen,
You are my king,
and together,
We are the producers of life.
So when you see me
Address me properly.
If not,
Don't even acknowledge me.
For it is time that I revolutionize your mind black man
and help you understand who I am.
They Call Me Ma
I am the mother of the Earth..
Written by Auset